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Nearby, a younger geyser is replaced, a new offering from the boiling springs that bring the gift of heat to a land of ice.


(B) has replaced it,

(C) lies in replacement,

(D) OMITthe underlined portion.

The Correct Answer

He thought it might have been made by something.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) might of (C) could of (D) could

Correct Answer: A

Ocloo knew that her countrywomen would need to have a steady source of income in order to gain access to education and health care. So, at the 1975 Mexico City gathering that opened the United Nations Decade for Women, Ocloo, with like-minded women, will have developed a "microknding" plan.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) developed (C) will develop (D) have developed

Correct Answer: B

By contrast American society has often been described as one that values the vibrant energy of youth over the wisdom and experience gained with age.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) whose (C) this (D) whom

Correct Answer: A

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