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If 2x2 - x - 15 = 0, what are the 2 possible values for x?

(A)-5 and image

(B) -3 and image

(C) -3 and image

(D) 3 and - image

(E) 5 and - image

The Correct Answer

Two values of v satisfy the equation |2v– 13| + 6 = 9. What is the sum of these values?

(A) 4(B) 7(C) 9(D) 13(E) 17

Correct Answer: D

All of the following statements about rational and/or irrational numbers must be true EXCEPT:

(F) the sum of any two rational numbers is rational. (G) the product of any two rational numbers is rational. (H) the sum of any two irrational numbers is irrational. (J) the product of a rational and an irrational number may be rational or irrational. (K) the product of any two irrational numbers is irrational.

Correct Answer: K

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