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More than ten years later he made a political comeback, winning a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.


(B) he won

(C) he had won

(D) and winning

The Correct Answer

Soon, I'm afraid, those of us who return home late will have to spend the evening double-parked in our cars. We will be served supper in our cars, and in the final analysis we will read, nap, or listen to the radio in our cars—ready in a moment to seize a free space or move the car if the police make one of their increasingly frequent stops in our once-quiet neighborhood.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) therefore (C) then (D) nevertheless

Correct Answer: C

In both of these cases, Grant recognized a need and focused his skills, imagination, and is intelligence to devising a way to fill that need.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) at (C) on (D) for

Correct Answer: C

In fact, the name yo-yo is a Tagalog word that translates as "come back."

(A)NO CHANGE (B) by (C) with (D) from

Correct Answer: A

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