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By December 1, the adventurers had skied onto the Polar Plateau, stretching for 1,000 miles a high, frozen desert.

(A)where it is now.

(B) before the word By (revising the capitalization accordingly).

(C) after the word adventurers.

(D) after the word desert (ending the sentence with a period).

The Correct Answer

The Iroquois method begins with corn being planted at three-foot intervals. Later, soil had been mounded around the young stalks, enhancing drainage and warming the soil.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) has been (C) was (D) is

Correct Answer: D

Using highly sensitive hearing, sight, and smell, as well as touch receptors on the sides of their jaws alligators easily identify prey.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) receptors, on the sides of their jaws (C) receptors on the sides of their jaws; (D) receptors on the sides of their jaws,

Correct Answer: D

Holm claims to have a prairie eye, feeling uncomfortable in enclosed, mysterious spaces like the woods, he prefers the "magnitude and delicacy" of the open prairie.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) woods, thus, (C) woods. He (D) woods he

Correct Answer: C

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