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Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Discovery demonstrated that while a yo-yo would spin in a near-zero gravity environment, it refused to sleep.


(B) shuttle, Discovery;

(C) shuttle Discovery,

(D) shuttle, Discovery

The Correct Answer

40.Although you may get an infection at the wound site, you can be effectively treated, seeing as40 you are still shaken from the encounter, you will survive.

(F) NO CHANGE(G) but because(H) and even if(J) however

Correct Answer: H

I loved our traditional New Year celebrations. One would burn paper money for good luck and go from house to house wishing our relatives health and happiness.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) People (C) You (D) We

Correct Answer: D

She was following the tradition of the Bronte sisters, who used pen names to avoid the prejudice then shown by critics, publishers, and readers toward female authors.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) coming after (C) imitating (D) pursuing

Correct Answer: A

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