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A rock band, The Young Sohcahtoans, is trying to design a t-shirt logo. The measurements they have chosen are represented on the figure below. The angle to the right of the logo "TYS" has a degree measure of 35°, and the side of the figure has a measure of 10 in. Which of the following expressions gives the measure, in inches, of the diagonal top side of the figure?

(A) 10 tan 35°

(B) 10 cos 35°

(C) 10 sin 35°



The Correct Answer

In ΔABC, shown below, the measure of imageb is 40°, the measure of imagec is 35°, and image is 27 units long. Which one of the following is an expression of the length, in units, of image? (Note: The law of sines states that for any triangle, the ratio between the sine of an angle and the length of the side opposite that angle is the same for all of the interior angles in the triangle.) image

(A)image (B) image (C) image (D) image (E) image

Correct Answer: B

What is the value of yx + (2x - 2y) when x = 2 and y = -3?

(A) -10 (B) 1 (C) 7 (D) 16 (E) 19

Correct Answer: E

What is the solution set for the inequality 6 - 4(x - 2) > 4x + 5?

(A)x < - image (B) x < - image (C) x < image (D) x > - image (E) x > image

Correct Answer: C

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