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The employees at Belinda's Paint Store are having a competition to see who can create the most new accounts over a period from January to June in a certain year. Data is missing because one of the employees began to erase it from the white board, thinking that the competition was over. The numbers in the chart below have been confirmed with the assistant manager's personal records.

At the beginning of the year, Maura wanted to average 30 new accounts per month for the first four months of the year. How many new accounts did she need to create in March in order to reach this goal?

(A) 25

(B) 27

(C) 29

(D) 31

(E) 37

The Correct Answer

If 3x+ 5y= 4, which of the following is equivalent to the expression (6x+ 10y)(100x+ 100y)?

(A) 100x+ 100y(B) 200x+ 200y(C) 400x+ 400y(D) 800x+ 800y(E) 1,600x+ 1,600y

Correct Answer: D

The highest and lowest test scores of five students in Mr. Canyon's science class are listed below. Which student had the greatest range of scores?

(F) Alicia (G) Brandon (H) Cleo (J) David (K) Emily

Correct Answer: K

Three different functions are defined in the table below.

The diagram below uses three functions. The only values for p, q, r, s, and t are 1 and 0. Which of the following inputs (p, q, r, s, t) will produce the output 0?

(A) (0,1,1,0,1) (B) (0,1,1,1,1) (C) (0,0,1,0,1) (D) (1,0,1,0,0) (E) (1,0,1,0,1)

Correct Answer: B

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