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The employees at Belinda's Paint Store are having a competition to see who can create the most new accounts over a period from January to June in a certain year. Data is missing because one of the employees began to erase it from the white board, thinking that the competition was over. The numbers in the chart below have been confirmed with the assistant manager's personal records.

Additional records are uncovered that show that Don's sales decreased 5% each month from January to May because his responsibilities in the store mounted and he could not seek out new accounts as frequently. Which of the following is closest to the number of new accounts Don created in May?

(F) 44

(G) 52

(H) 56

(J) 72

(K) 84

The Correct Answer

(4x4 y4)4 is equivalent to:

(A)xy (B) 16x8 y8 (C) 16x16 y16 (D) 256x8 y8 (E) 256x16 y16

Correct Answer: E

What is the value of when x= ?

(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) (D) 12 (E) 24

Correct Answer: C

For all integer values of a and b such that a > 0 and b<0, which of the following must also be an integer?

(F) 3a+b (G) 3a-b (H) 3ab (J) 3-a (K)

Correct Answer: G

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