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When , which of the following must be true?

(F) -12 < x < -3

(G) -3 < x < 0

(H) 0 < x < 3

(J) 3 < x < 4

(K) 4 < x

The Correct Answer

What value must be added to 9x2 - 30x in order to complete the square (that is, make it a perfect square trinomial)?

(A)-5 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) 25 (E) 45

Correct Answer: D

The circumference of a circle is 50 inches. How many inches long is its radius?

(F) (G) (H) (J) 50π (K) 100π

Correct Answer: F

A rectangular solid consisting of 18 smaller cubes that are identical is positioned in the standard (x,y,z) coordinate system, as shown below. Vertex M has coordinates of (-1,3,0) and point O on the y-axis has coordinates of (0,3,0). What are the coordinates of vertex N?

(F) (3,0, 2) (G) (2,2, 0) (H) (3,0,-1) (J) (0,2, 2) (K) (2,0, 2)

Correct Answer: K

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