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The Correct Answer

Mike sold 3 pounds of beef at his deli on Wednesday and 2 pounds of beef on Saturday. Which of the following ranges includes the total amount of beef, in pounds, Mike sold during these two days?

(A)At least 5 and less than 5 (B) At least 5 and less than 5 (C) At least 5 and less than 6 (D) At least 6 and less than 6 (E) At least 6 and less than 6

Correct Answer: B

The expression x2 + 2x - 15 can be written as the product of 2 binomials with integer coefficients. One of the binomials is (x + 5). Which of the following is the other binomial?

(A) (x2 - 3) (B) (x2 + 3) (C) (x - 3) (D) (x + 3) (E) (x - 5)

Correct Answer: C

A heart-shaped ornament is made from a square and two semicircles, each of whose diameter is a side of the square. The ornament is shown in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below, where 1 coordinate unit represents 1 inch. The coordinates of six points on the border of the ornament are given. What is the perimeter, in inches, of the ornament?

(A) 4 + 2π (B) 8 + 4π (C) 8 + 8π (D) 16 + 4π (E) 16 + 8π

Correct Answer: B

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