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The Mendoza family made their living working alternately as field hands and as touring musicians.

(A)earned their living by

(B) made their living from

(C) made their living on

(D) earned their living

The Correct Answer

My attention focused first with Higgins, who played with his head tipped back, smiling and nodding.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) initially with (C) first on (D) initially to

Correct Answer: C

Red initially resisted giving up the couch and bed, but once she saw that, Andrew was truly in charge, she acquiesced.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) that Andrew was, (C) that, Andrew was, (D) that Andrew was

Correct Answer: D

Most kayaks are made of rubberized cloth, molded plastic, or fiberglass. It is covered except for the opening in which the paddler or paddlers sit.

(A)NO CHANGE (B) One is (C) They are (D) Which are

Correct Answer: C

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