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A painter needs to reach the top of a tall sign in the middle of a flat and level field. He uses a ladder of length x to reach a point on the sign 15 feet above the ground. The angle formed where the ladder meets the ground is noted in the figure below as θ. Which of the following relationships must be true?






The Correct Answer

At 10:00, Angela starts from her home and runs at a constant pace to Kathleen’s house, which is exactly 2 miles away. Immediately, she and Kathleen turn around and walk back to Angela’s house exactly 4 miles an hour slower than Angela ran. When they arrive at Angela’s house, the time is 10:45. At what speed did Angela run?

(F) 6 miles per hour(G) 6.5 miles per hour(H) 7 miles per hour(J) 7.5 miles per hour(K) 8 miles per hour

Correct Answer: K

If the height of an equilateral triangle is 9, what is its area?

(F) 27(G) 54(H) 81(J) (K)

Correct Answer: J

In the following figure, the circle centered at nhas a radius of 4. What is the area of the shaded region?

(A) 3π(B) 6π(C) 9π(D) 12π(E) 16π

Correct Answer: D

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