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A rectangular solid consisting of 18 smaller cubes that are identical is positioned in the standard (x,y,z) coordinate system, as shown below. Vertex M has coordinates of (-1,3,0) and point O on the y-axis has coordinates of (0,3,0). What are the coordinates of vertex N?

(F) (3,0, 2)

(G) (2,2, 0)

(H) (3,0,-1)

(J) (0,2, 2)

(K) (2,0, 2)

The Correct Answer

What is the value of when x= ?

(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) (D) 12 (E) 24

Correct Answer: C

Jackson worked 25 hours and received $225. At the same rate of pay, how much would he make if he worked 40 hours?

(A) $300(B) $325(C) $350(D) $360(E) $400

Correct Answer: D

At 10:00, Angela starts from her home and runs at a constant pace to Kathleen’s house, which is exactly 2 miles away. Immediately, she and Kathleen turn around and walk back to Angela’s house exactly 4 miles an hour slower than Angela ran. When they arrive at Angela’s house, the time is 10:45. At what speed did Angela run?

(F) 6 miles per hour(G) 6.5 miles per hour(H) 7 miles per hour(J) 7.5 miles per hour(K) 8 miles per hour

Correct Answer: K

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